Meetings that Work: Tips, Tools, and Hard Won Wisdom


Why + What

“I have no tolerance for stupid meetings. If I had a dollar for every poorly-organized or time-wasting meeting I have attended, I’d be retired already.”

When we convene smart committed people, we call that a "meeting". Implicit is the opportunity for conversations where we share knowledge, build new things, and fortify a culture of collaboration. But in fact, thanks to the misuse and abuse of meetings, "meeting" has become a four-letter word.

So how do we design meetings that inspire learning, passion, and action, instead of a mad scramble among invitees to find a way to avoid the meeting?

This 4-hour workshop, will focus on real-time challenges and upstream strategies that will help you better design and prep, establish context and connection, assign clear roles and rules, and assure honorable closure.

Drawing on 30+ years of experience, my goal is to help you learn to create meetings folks are excited to be a part of.


The Details

WHO: This workshop is for practitioners who want to sharpen their facilitation chops and expand their tool kit. Size is limited to assure lively and collaborative learning.

WHEN: Thursday, November 3, 2-6pm

WHERE: My office (World Headquarters!) in Albany

Investment Cost

  • Time: Completion of a brief survey assessment to help me understand what you want to get out of the session, plus four hours on the day of the workshop. 
  • Financial: $99 (price includes a 30 minute phone consultation following the workshop)